Frequently Ask Questions

Is the manual required for my course?

Each participant is required to have their own copy of the manual for the course they are taking prior to and during the course, as per each governing bodies policies (i.e.: American Heart Association). The only exception for this is for eLearning Skills Session. Books are not required for eLearning Skills Session, but may be helpful prior to the skills session for studying.

Allowing sufficient time to review the material ensures that the participant will be better prepared for the course. The manual serves as an excellent study guide as well as a reference for any questions you may have before, during, or after the course. Having a basis of the material prior to the course allows for improved comprehension, which often results in higher test scores.

My card says it expires 3/13/2013…when does it actually expire?
How long past the expiration can I take a renewal?

• For Heartsaver, BLS, ACLS and PALS Courses:

Per the American Heart Association, each provider card is valid for two years after successful completion of a course. The card is valid until the end of the month in which it expires. For example, a card with an expiration date of 3/13/2013 allows you to take a Renewal Course through the end of March (3/31/2013). Once the end of that month has passed, however, you will need to take the Full Course to renew your card.

If my class is on Wednesday and I registered on Monday,  how will I get the manual in time?

Typically, shipping the manual takes 2 to 4 business days. If your date of registration is within 5 business days of the date of the course you will be taking, we typically will not ship the book. Instead you have the following options:

• Pick up the book ahead of time from our Training Center at 2120 L Street NW, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20037. We are open 9 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday, but please call ahead to let us know you’re coming so we can make sure we have the manual and that someone will be available to assist you.

• Pick up the book on the day of your course (not recommended, especially for advanced life support courses such as PALS and ACLS). If you have purchased the book ahead of time and it will not have time to ship, we can leave one for you with your instructor, and will refund your shipping cost.

Please note that overnight delivery within a 3 business day time frame is not recommended. In order to ensure enough time for you to review the manual and receive it in time, we recommend that you do not express or overnight ship within 3 business days of the course.

Do I need to be BLS certified before taking my ACLS or PALS Course?

No, you do not need to be BLS certified in order to attend any of our ACLS or PALS courses; however, BLS is a basic skill required for success in any of our advanced life support disciplines. We recommend that if you are not currently certified, you are at very familiar with the curriculum and processes of the American Heart Association’s BLS protocols.

If BLS is covered in ACLS and PALS, can I just be certified in BLS at the same time?

No; unfortunately, ACLS and PALS require the foundation of BLS and therefore do not cover all of the topics required for a BLS certification. There is too much material in the ACLS and PALS courses to also include all of the criteria and tests for a BLS certification.

I need to renew my ACLS certification…should I take the ACLS Renewal Course or the ACLS eLearning Skills Session? What’s the difference?

The ACLS Renewal Course is an approximately 8 hour course taking place in the classroom. The Renewal Course is guided by video, simulations, practice skills and face to face instructor time. The ACLS eLearning Skills Session is a self-guided, online course with micro-simulations that takes approximately 6 to 8 hours to complete. After completion of the online eLearning portion, you will meet with an instructor at the time for which you registered and they will test your skills as an ACLS provider. The in-person segment lasts approximately 2 hours. It is recommended that only those with a strong ACLS background and strong knowledge of ACLS protocols, algorithms, and technique take the ACLS eLearning Skills Session.